The hybrid revolution is truly here, and in the last few months we, at Make Venues, have organised more hybrid meetings than in the previous year. 

However, the world of hybrid is not simple, so we thought we’d share this little jargon buster to help you through the complexities of organising a hybrid event.


A Hybrid Event Glossary of Terms

Hybrid events: Ultimately the term ‘hybrid’ refers to a beneficial partnership between two things. For meetings and conferences, it’s the marriage of live and virtual, allowing content to reach both face-to-face visitors and online attendees.

Video conferencing: This is essentially an online meeting that takes the form of an audio-visual call, allowing parties to talk in real time. Our facilities lend themselves well to a video conference set-up, keeping the setting professional and engaging.

Plug and Play: This means you should be able to turn up with your hardware, plug it in and get started. At Make Venues, we want to make your life as easy as possible, plug and play means that we have the capabilities to adapt to the technology, software, and hardware you bring with you. 

Streaming: The term refers to the transmission of videos (or any data) over a computer network via ‘a continuous flow’. In essence, it allows viewers to watch content instantaneously and live.

STEM: The acronym stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Make Venues’ STEM hybrid capabilities highlight the advanced, intelligent technology that makes it so effective and easy to use.

Telecast: This is the old school version of remote meetings that allowed events to be broadcast via televisions. We’ve moved on since then; the technology has improved, and the cost has come down!

Connectivity: This is the ability of one device to connect to another and is vital to ensure smooth transmission of information. Our venues have spent years ensuring that their connectivity is fast and consistent so that visitors can get online quickly and easily. The better the connectivity, the more seamless the experience.

De-risking: Although this is a term that has been used in other industries, event professionals have adopted it to describe ways in which we can minimize clients’ risk and provide contingency planning should their event need adapting due to matters beyond their control. Hybrid is the classic way of de-risking a meeting, if delegates can’t or won’t be there in person, we move them into the hybrid world.


If you'd like to find out more information, you can view our overview on hybrid events, or alternatively you can book a hybrid meeting with us today.